Colorbrite® is a cementitious emery-aggregate ready-to-use, shake-on type, concrete surface hardener and dust proofer manufactured in natural concrete gray plus a variety of colors, and designed to be applied in conjunction with freshly installed concrete, fused during the pouring process.
Colorgard™ is a solvent-based UV-stable pigmented concrete curing and sealing compound formulated using styrene-acrylate resin, and is used for increasing uniformity, dustproofing, reducing efflorescence, enhancing color, and curing and sealing of all types of cementitious based substrates.
Colorhard™ is a cementitious quartz-aggregate ready-to-use, shake-on type, concrete surface hardener and dust proofer manufactured in natural concrete gray plus a variety of colors, and designed to be applied in conjunction with freshly installed concrete, fused during the pouring process.
Crystal Clear® Seal Gray is a solvent-based UV-stable pigmented natural concrete gray curing and sealing compound formulated using styrene-acrylate resin, and is used for increasing uniformity, dustproofing, reducing efflorescence, enhancing color, and curing and sealing of all types of cementitious based substrates.
Epiweld® C-200 is a two-component high-quality chemically cured coal tar epoxy coating manufactured to be used in the protection of concrete, steel, aluminum, and wood substrates and designed to meet the requirements of Corps of Engineers C-200, MIL-P-23236, and Painting Council Spec. SSPC#16-68T.
Vibropruf® #6 is a single-component, non-metallic, non-shrink cementitious grout material formulated to provide an excellent property set in all relative categories including flow, strength and setting time and conforms to the test methods of ASTM C-1107, USACE CRD C-621 and C-588.
Vibropruf® #11 is a premium, high-strength, single-component, non-metallic, non-shrink cementitious grout material formulated to provide an excellent property set in all relative categories including flow, strength and setting time and conforms to the test methods of ASTM C-1107, USACE CRD C-621 and C-588.